Calc expressions
Calc expressions allow you to perform calculations within CSS property values, supporting a wide range of use cases such as responsive design, grid systems, and fluid typography.
Several calc operators are supported:
adds two operands, e.g.pct 90 @+@ px 16
subtracts the second operand from the first, e.g.pct 100 - px 32
multiplies the first operand by the second, e.g.px 16 @* 2
multiplies the first operand by the second, e.g.2 *@ px 16
divides the first operand by the second, e.g.pct 100 @/ 6
Notice that each operator includes one or more @
symbols. An operand that is adjacent to this symbol is a measure; otherwise, it is a number or integer.
Here is an example of how the @-@
and @*
operators can be used to make a div
element span the width of the viewport, but leaving a 32-pixel "margin" on each side:
module Example.StyleSheet where
import Tecton
import Tecton.Rule as Rule
styleSheet :: CSS
styleSheet = do
body ? margin := nil
div ?
margin := nil ~ auto -- horizontal centering
width := vw 100 @-@ px 32 @* 2